Most authors have an inherent self-interest to present their findings in their research articles in the best possible light, sometimes at the expense of accurately stating the reliability of their findings. This can lead researchers to build on prior work that is not as solid as one might have wanted, and ultimately, lead to new studies with even weaker results. Similarly, when designing own studies, it is valuable to know the extent we should trust the results.

In short, there is great value in correctly evaluating results we read in published articles.

In their paper, da Silva Frost and Ledgerwood offer a great tutorial for how to calibrate our confidence in research findings, in their Open Access article:

Da Silva Frost, A., & Ledgerwood, A. (2020). Calibrate your confidence in research findings: A tutorial on improving research methods and practices. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 14, E14. doi:10.1017/prp.2020.7

I strongly recommend reading the article, as it is well written, engaging and easy to follow; also for students! :).

I recently presented the paper at a Reproducibilitea meeting; you can find my presentation here.

Calibrate your confidence in research findings

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