Pedagogisk utviklingsprosjekt

Undersøkelse av tiltak i en hybridundervisnings situasjon: Likestille læringsutbyttet for to studentgrupper, de som følger undervisning via nett og de som er fysisk til stede. Njål Andersen Introduksjon Det siste tiåret har det blitt økende fokus på å tilrettelegge...

Crazy Hotness diagram – scientifically tested

A few years ago, I discussed the concept of the Crazy-Hotness line, popularized on How I Met Your Mother, with some colleagues. We had fun with it. Today I saw an article that actually tested the intuition behind this fun idea… and also look at the counteridea,...

When scientists are wrong..

Many studies and findings are questioned as a replications fail. When some are approached about possible weaknesses, like Amy Cuddy (and with her mentor Susan Fiske at her back), they fight tooth and nail. Others do it differently. A finding Dan Ariely has based part...