The importance of stupidity in scientific research

I think the Lego Gradstudent is brilliant! Very dark humour, but ohh so funny, especially if and when you feel a little down during your PhD journey. The creator made a video about the “impostor syndrome”, that many experience at times. To watch it: I...

SNA measures are not like other measures

There is a multitude of measures in social network analysis (SNA). In other social sciences, great lengths are gone to develop robust and valid measures, with discrete validity, which means there are relatively few overlapping constructs; and some remain standard for...

Things about a PhD nobody told you about

Great talk on aspects of a Ph.D. noone talk about. (My notes on what was said below) There are 740 000 students enrolled in a phd in Europe. 2/1000 are in a phd program. (see below for statistics)   7 things nobody told me about: “I am stuck”. There are many ways...

Free speech and acceptable norms

This podcast episode of Hidden Brain, on the topic of free speech, uses research during and after the Trump presidential campaign, and classic Bandura research, to  show how it can change perceptions of what constitutes acceptable thoughts and opinions. It further...

Building Effective Networks

Herminia Ibarra is a professor of Organizational Behavior at INSEAD, and ranked as one of the most influential management thinkers, on one list as number 8. In the linked 15 minute video, she presents her thoughts on...