Njål's publications and other resources

Here is a list of my publications, ranging from editorials, letters in the newspaper, and journal articles.

Peer review articles

In popular press

Hva skjer med kreativiteten vår på Teams? – Kronikk i DN

Hva skjer med kreativiteten vår på Teams? – Kronikk i DN

https://www.dn.no/innlegg/arbeidsliv/zoom-moter/ledelse/innlegg-gar-glipp-av-gode-ideer-med-digitale-moter/2-1-1212744 (Under er en noe lenger versjon av kronikken, med referanser. Vi måtte kutte den litt for DN). Hva skjer med kreativiteten vår på Teams? Njål...

Hjemmekontor høsten 2021?

Kronikk i Aftenposten: https://www.aftenposten.no/meninger/kronikk/i/bzywAg/hvordan-blir-hjemmekontoret-til-hoesten   Hva og hvem skal avgjøre bruk av hjemmekontor i høst? Det er straks skole- og semesterstart, og de fleste skal tilbake på jobb etter ferien. For...

Videos / lectures

ASC is where you can read about relocation, and articles I write on the topic of expatriates

VNV is where my ramblings on the use of social media and the internet at large; with a focus on aspects all users should know and consider

CremaCafe is my food blog, or rather, where I store and update my personal recipe book.

My name is Njål Andersen and I am a PhD student at BI Norwegian Business School.

The meantime; I am also on other social media channels:

As my School BI changed their logo in the autumn of 2019; so did I have to change the logo on this website. However, not to loose sight of where the website has come from, here is the first logo 🙂

There are many other great websites, made by phd students, or early career researchers.. and some who are no no longer early career.

Paul van der Laken, who does research on expatriates, but his may focus is data science and statistics: https://paulvanderlaken.com/

Katya Ognyanova, has some nice tutorials and resources for social network analysis: http://kateto.net/

David Schoch has a nice “periodic table” of centrality measures, a product from his PhD. http://schochastics.net/


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