Njål's publications and other resources
Here is a list of my publications, ranging from editorials, letters in the newspaper, and journal articles.
Peer review articles
Parental drinking, mental health and education, and extent of offspring’s healthcare utilisation for anxiety/depression: A HUNT survey and registry study
Abstract Aims: Certain risk constellations of parental drinking, mental health and years of education are prospectively associated with offspring’s risk for a diagnosis of anxiety/depression, but it remains unknown how they may relate to other aspects of offspring’s...
A Bibliometric Review of Self-Compassion Research: Science Mapping the Literature, 1999 to 2020
Our analyses identified four general themes in the self-compassion literature: “mental health and well-being”, “clinical outcomes”, “self-perceptions”, and “physical health and family issues”. The first three themes are relatively well-consolidated and represent core...
Science mapping research on body image: A bibliometric review of publications in Body Image, 2004–2020
Research on Body Image has traditionally focused on the negative aspects; though more recently, more attention has been given to positive body image as well. What I found most interesting when I conducted this study, was the marked shift from TV in the mid 2000s, to...
The emerging COVID-19 research: dynamic and regularly updated science maps and analyses
An article in BMC psychiatry, on the evolving research on COVID 19 https://bmcpsychiatry.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12888-020-02825-4
Mapping the literature on parents with mental illness, across psychiatric sub-disciplines: a bibliometric review
Research on parental mental illness is often carried out in disorder specific research silos. Drawing on the different research areas, it is possible to leverage and combine existing knowledge, and identify insights that can be transferred across research areas. In...
Analysis of how integrated Eysenck’s articles, deemed “unsafe”, are with the rest of his published research
My second peer-reviewed publication, this time on Eysenck's body of research, where we both look at how it evolved, and how central the articles deemed as "unsafe" by his own college, is to the rest of his work. We also note how he continually renewed the pool of...
Mapping the expatriate literature: a bibliometric review of the field from 1998 to 2017 and identification of current research fronts
My first publication in a peer reviewed journal is now online 🙂 The last version of the manuscript, before final submission can be downloaded here; Mapping the expatriate literature: a bibliometric review of the...
EMR at 15: Reflecting Back on a Journal’s Journey
An editorial of the European Management Journal https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/emre.12339
In popular press
Hva skjer med kreativiteten vår på Teams? – Kronikk i DN
https://www.dn.no/innlegg/arbeidsliv/zoom-moter/ledelse/innlegg-gar-glipp-av-gode-ideer-med-digitale-moter/2-1-1212744 (Under er en noe lenger versjon av kronikken, med referanser. Vi måtte kutte den litt for DN). Hva skjer med kreativiteten vår på Teams? Njål...
COVID har gitt oss en gyllen mulighet til å velge gode vaner – Innlegg DN
Versjonen før Desken på DN redigert litt, er under 🙂 https://www.dn.no/innlegg/psykologi/arbeidsliv/hjemmekontor/innlegg-koronaen-gir-oss-en-gyllen-mulighet-til-a-velge-gode-vaner/2-1-1080938 Ingunn Olea Lund og Njål Andersen Vanene våre påvirker den psykiske og...
Hjemmekontor høsten 2021?
Kronikk i Aftenposten: https://www.aftenposten.no/meninger/kronikk/i/bzywAg/hvordan-blir-hjemmekontoret-til-hoesten Hva og hvem skal avgjøre bruk av hjemmekontor i høst? Det er straks skole- og semesterstart, og de fleste skal tilbake på jobb etter ferien. For...
Op-Ed i E24: En finsk idé for å tiltrekke seg globalt talent kan også fungere for Norge
Å tilby IT-spesialister å prøvebo i Finland i 90 dager er et spennende tiltak som med fordel kan prøves i Norge også. https://e24.no/teknologi/i/OQElQw/en-finsk-ide-for-aa-tiltrekke-seg-globalt-talent-kan-ogsaa-fungere-for-norge
Borte bra, men hjemme best: Nordmenn vegrer seg for en utstasjonering – Nettavisen
An opinion piece on the problems recruiting for an expatriation, in Nettavisen https://www.nettavisen.no/nyheter/borte-bra-men-hjemme-best-nordmenn-vegrer-seg-for-en-utstasjonering/s/12-95-3424066485
Hvordan lykkes med livet på delt hjemmekontor? – Aftenposten
My first opinion piece in Aftenposten, written with Ingunn Olea Lund https://www.aftenposten.no/meninger/debatt/i/lE4xme/hvordan-lykkes-med-livet-paa-delt-hjemmekontor
DN: Innlegg: Demotivert av skattelistene? Eller motivert?
Mens vi venter på skattelistene: Når ansatte får vite hvor mye sjefen tjener, bedres produktiviteten. Kunnskap om kollegers inntekt kan slå motsatt vei. ...
Innlegg: Feil konklusjon om selvdrevne ansatte
Det er ikke slik at selvgående, «indre motiverte» arbeidstagere lettere blir utbrent når motivasjonen faller, eller at det er mer risikabelt å ansette dem. ...
Videos / lectures
How can bibliometric reviews contribute to theoretical advancement in management scholarship?
This is a lecture on: “How can bibliometric reviews contribute to theoretical advancement in management scholarship?” This question is both important and relevant for those interested in writing a bibliometric review, as well as for journal editors and reviewers, who...
VNV is where my ramblings on the use of social media and the internet at large; with a focus on aspects all users should know and consider
There are many other great websites, made by phd students, or early career researchers.. and some who are no no longer early career.
Paul van der Laken, who does research on expatriates, but his may focus is data science and statistics: https://paulvanderlaken.com/
Katya Ognyanova, has some nice tutorials and resources for social network analysis: http://kateto.net/
David Schoch has a nice “periodic table” of centrality measures, a product from his PhD. http://schochastics.net/