There are many ways to contribute to theory and potentially fruitful avenues of research, and reading top research articles, it can seem obvious and self-evident. However, most people who have tried to come up with interesting research ideas, know it is far from...
In the book: Theory Construction and Model building skills, Jaccard & Jacoby outline 16 ways to make a theoretical contribution when conducting research. These are introduced in chapter 3, and numbered from 1 to 16. Each is elaborated on in subsequent chapters. I...
There is fraud everywhere. There are some people want rewards they can not achieve without cheating. Some (possibly most) find ways to rationalize and justify their actions. The autobiography written by Diederik Stapel, where he tries to explain and admit his actions...
Abstract Aims: Certain risk constellations of parental drinking, mental health and years of education are prospectively associated with offspring’s risk for a diagnosis of anxiety/depression, but it remains unknown how they may relate to other aspects of offspring’s...
Innlegg: Går glipp av gode ideer med digitale møter Mange har opplevd store fordeler med hjemmekontor de siste to årene. I USA sier 75 prosent av ansatte at de ønsker å jobbe hjemmefra minst en dag i uken etter pandemien, og det er all grunn til å tro det samme...