Reviewing for the first time us daunting.. bit is a great learning opportunity and is part of the research life. Learning how to do so as constructively as possible is worthwhile. Here are some resources. This one gives some attitudes to have, structure to consider...
Not read the article in full yet, though this article on concept clarity strikes a chord, having read a lot of articles where concepts change, and are mixed from one article to the next. Believe it is worth studying before writing up my next paper. 🙂...
A good structure can help the reader understand the content of a paper. Well written text also. Here are some resources that help to this end. Ten simple rules for structuring papers Brett Mensh, Konrad Kording Published: September 28, 2017 Ten simple rules for...
.. or put differently: ALWAYS read the original study, and look at the variables, before basing your own research on past findings! Surprisingly often, authors make hefty claims based on their findings.. which may not always have as strong a basis. I have recently...
With the ever growing wealth of research being published, when searching for relevant literature, many of us scan titles, and possibly abstracts to determine if we will read on. Crating a good abstract is obviously important. Here are some tips on how to write one....