On doing better science – Leader by Antonakis

John Antonakis is the new editor of Leaderhip Quarterly, and in his first leader, he lays out what he sees as important going forward, and possible perils in the field of leadership research. Quote from the article: Because of the incentive structures that...

Some may enjoy reading this..

..and spend a couple of minutes studying the graph. A graph showing what people think of when using unspecific terms like: “some”, “a few”, “many”, as well as various types of probabilities. Rather interesting.. as well as a short...

“Why people prefer unequal societies”

In thier article, Starmans, Sheskin and Bloom presents the compelling argument that most people are concerned about fairness when it comes to distribution of resources, and prefer unequal outcomes, as long as there is a merit or needs based reason for the inequality....