Advice on the basic parts of writing an article…

and indeed, most academic writing 🙂 Don’t Make Your Readers SCREAM Practically everybody who reads your research paper, referees especially, wants to know only a few basic things: What did you do? Why and how did you do it? What did you discover? Here is a...

How we can spot emotions on how people walk

Status and emotions are quite easy to spot and identify, as is evaluating our own and others status. There is a website where you can look at a dot-drawing of people walking, based on biometric data. Amazing how easy it is to spot differences, also based on gender....

Hjemmekontor høsten 2021?

Kronikk i Aftenposten: Hjemmekontor eller ikke? Hvilken personlighet du har, kan bety mye. Personlighet spiller en viktig rolle for hva du foretrekker. Kronikk Dette er en kronikk. Meninger i teksten står for skribentens regning. Det er straks skole- og studiestart,...