Visualisation of data

Why you should share Data Nudes instead of just Shitty Tables This post summarises what I wanted to say with a recent paper published in Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine, which includes an RMarkdown website supplement with code. Related slideshow and a video...

Visualizations in academic writing

I love a good graphic, one that communicates a lot of information. They may not be quick to look at, but communicates a lot in an intuitive way. A recent editorial (2018) in AMJ indicates it is seen as a positive there. I recommend reading the editorial: FROM THE...

Reference list and bibliography: is there a difference?

I was just berated in an article review: “a bibliography is NOT a reference list!”. I will admit that up to now, I have used the two terms interchangeably, and have tended to use the term “bibliography”, as I like the sound of the word better,...

Bibliometric analysis of a department

Bibliometric analysis has  range of applications, a practical application is analyzing a research institution or department; such as in terms of topics, collaborations (both internal and external) and impact (in the form of citations) in the scientific community. To...

Academic mobility and impact

Two articles in Nature was nicely summarized in an Economist article recently. The key point is: The more open countries are and internationally mobile and connected researchers in a country are, the more artices with high citation are produced. It is worth noting...