Equivalence Testing for Psychological Research: A Tutorial Psychologists must be able to test both for the presence of an effect and for the absence of an effect. In addition to testing against zero, researchers can use the Two One-Sided Tests (TOST) procedure to test...
Nice summary of what fit statistics are Statistics Sunday: Fit Statistics in Structural Equation Modeling Fit Measures In my video on interpreting confirmatory factor analysis output, I promised a post on the various fit statistics. And here we are! As I said in the...
There are many terms in statistics one should know, and most courses assumes one does.. Further, many statistics text books explain these terms mathematically, and in such a way I do not find it conducive to understanding 🙂 the Blog Deeply Trivial covers quite a few...
There are ever more good articles on what p-values are, their use and abuse.. as well as alternatives. Two I have come over today include on article outlining the issue from a journalistic view, showing arguments for and against (in VOX); the second a journal article...
Meta analysis’ are often considered the gold standard for studies; a single study is never conclusive due to potential errors in design or data, whereas when results from many studies are systematically analyzed, they can be. Here is a YouTube series that goes...