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The power of well designed teams: Brian Uzzi

In this talk, Brian Uzzi presents his research on teams and collaboration, and shows: that established teams suffer from sunk costs, in that people want to leverage team specific resources to the max (such as knowing how each other work) to the detriment of including...

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How to network with purpose mutual effect

As with so many activities, networking is a craft to be learnt. If done well..  It benefit both you and your network.. Here are some advice from a leading researcher in the field. For  network to have value, it needs to have relevant and potentially strategically...

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What statistical software to learn?

What statistical software to learn?

There are a range of statistical software packages available, some costly, other free, and some in between. Which to choose? Which to invest time to learn (Blood sweat, tears and frustration) and money to buy? SPSS has it forte in that it has a pretty interface that...

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Controlling for confounding variables

Confounding variables are nothing new, so controlling form them are common. However, as this paper shows, a lot of these controls are flawed, calling into question the validity of the results. SEM is proposed as part of the solution.  ...

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Understanding the American demographic

Sitting safely in Norway, reading about the American election in various major global news outlets, it is hard to understand how Trump won the GOP primary, let alone is head to head with Clinton in the race for the Whitehouse. Clearly, there is something I have not...

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Research at Google on what makes teams effective

Research at Google on what makes teams effective

Research into team effectiveness at Google has shown that the single most important factor is the extent team members feel psychologically safe. Second order of importance shows that team member dependability, role clarity, meaning of work and real impact of work also...

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How to manage for collective creativity

How to manage for collective creativity

Harvard professor Linda Hill presents her findings on characteristics of leaders / situations that inspire consistent creative thinking and progress. Three key capabilities are: Creative Abraision, Creative Resolution and Creative Agility. See her HBR...

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How politicians poisoned statistics

In this article, Tim Harford uses the distinction put forth by the Princeton philosopher Harry Frankfurt, between those who lie with statistics, and those who simply do not care what the facts are, but use statistics to support their position. The latter can be...

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Sensemaking in Organizations: Karl Weick

A book I am intending to read; Sensemaking in Organizations by Karl Weick. However, until I do, I came accross a nice summary of the concept here: Sensemaking has seven properties (Weick, 1995): Identity and...

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