Lectures, videos and audioclips
The library of great lectures, talks, podcasts etc. is growing exponentially; with YouTube offering volume, TED and BigThink offering quality, and many other niche sites to fill in any and all holes. Here are some of my favourites.
The importance of stupidity in scientific research
I think the Lego Gradstudent is brilliant! Very dark humour, but ohh so funny, especially if and when you feel a little down during your PhD journey. The creator made a video about the "impostor syndrome", that many experience at times. To watch it: I recently read an...
PhD comic and my dream
I love this comic... and think this is a great example! 😀
SNA measures are not like other measures
There is a multitude of measures in social network analysis (SNA). In other social sciences, great lengths are gone to develop robust and valid measures, with discrete validity, which means there are relatively few overlapping constructs; and some remain standard for...
Things about a PhD nobody told you about
Great talk on aspects of a Ph.D. noone talk about. (My notes on what was said below) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAKsQf77nHU There are 740 000 students enrolled in a phd in Europe. 2/1000 are in a phd program. (see below for statistics) 7 things nobody told...
Free speech and acceptable norms
This podcast episode of Hidden Brain, on the topic of free speech, uses research during and after the Trump presidential campaign, and classic Bandura research, to show how it can change perceptions of what constitutes acceptable thoughts and opinions. It further...
Building Effective Networks
Herminia Ibarra is a professor of Organizational Behavior at INSEAD, and ranked as one of the most influential management thinkers, on one list as number 8. http://thinkers50.com/t50-ranking/2015-2/ In the linked 15 minute video, she presents her thoughts on...
Competing against luck
Clayton Christensen gives a lecture on his new book; the key point is: Focus on what problem you are solving for the customer; not what your product can do, or what you can offer. His example from McDonalds is: What problem does their Milkshake solve: answer: a snack...
Ethical analysis is an increasingly important competence
As I am running a couple of workshops in the Msc. ethics course at BI this fall; I am reminded of how the subject is becoming an increasingly important; as the world is changing ever faster, throwing up questions we do not have a set "common sense" answer to. One...
The power of well designed teams: Brian Uzzi
In this talk, Brian Uzzi presents his research on teams and collaboration, and shows: that established teams suffer from sunk costs, in that people want to leverage team specific resources to the max (such as knowing how each other work) to the detriment of including...
How to increase job satisfaction though task, relationship and cognitive crafting
A 20 minute interview with Amy Wrzesniewski at Yale University, discussing how our attitudes to our job determine our level of satisfaction. http://www.npr.org/2016/03/28/471859161/how-to-build-a-better-job
On procrastination and preparing for an event..
Brilliant and hilarious description with fantastic graphics of how to think of the level of preparation for a talk, and on procrastination in the process! http://waitbutwhy.com/2016/03/doing-a-ted-talk-the-full-story.html
Can algorithms replace academics?
In this video, Phil Parker at INSEAD argues for the use of computer programs / algorithms to help answer questions that have typically been done by academics; citing a computers ability to search through mounds of data and find trends and commonalities. He further...
Richard Nisbett: Crusade against multiple regression analysis.. and more
Edge is a forum where great minds can meet and discuss their ideas; the quality of the content is first rate, though unlike a TED talk, they are less structured, less tight, and thus, more fill. In this video, Richard Nisbett talks about why he dislikes multiple...
No Title
http://www.influenceatwork.com This animated video describes the six universal Principles of Persuasion that have been scientifically proven to make you most effective as reported in Dr. Cialdini's groundbreaking book, Influence. This video is narrated by Dr. Robert Cialdini and Steve Martin, CMCT (co-author of YES & The Small Big).
Learn the Six Key Principles of Persuasion
Robert Cialdini presents his six principles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFdCzN7RYbw
Science: The pursuit of ignorance
"In science knowing a lot of stuff doesn't make you a scientist ... knowing a lot of stuff is what helps you get to: Ignorance" He goes on to say that science is about knowing where in a dark room to look for a black cat. Worth watching to get an idea of what research...
Two inaugural lectures on the respective research interests of by my advisors
BI has started recording lectures held here, both by internal professors, and by guests, and make them available on their YouTube stream. This means that the lecture held by the Nobel Laureate Robert Merton on pensions is freely available; and I do recommend it!...
Podcast: NPR The hidden brain
Great podcast of about 25 minutes where they discuss psychology research. There is a theme for each episode, and my favorite part is when the host and Daniel Pink get 2 x 1 minute each to present a relevant research article on the topic. First episode was about...
The time paradox
How we see time, the future, the past and present dictate how we live and see the world. In this book Philip Zimbardo puts it all in perspective. Do also see the books website at: http://www.thetimeparadox.com/ For a brief, but informative introduction, look at...
Four sources of happiness
Four great lectures on sources of happiness, and how many of us have a counter productive attitude to the pursuit. The four cover sensory pleasures, material wealth, romantic relationships and children. Each held by brilliant people, including professors Paul Bloom,...
Charming and engaging 6 minute lecture on why we work.
Charming and engaging 6 minute lecture on why we work.. and the importance of having something meaningful to do.